To what extent do you agree with Rosin's hypothesis that women are taking over modern society? Give examples in your response.
To an extent you can say Rosin's hypothesis that women are taking over this modern society in the 2013. As there are many backed arguments for this statement. For an example, 100's of years ago or so women weren't allowed to do as much as men obviously. Men were the 'workers' and women had to stay at home to look after the children and do house duties. But now statistics have backed this statement up because "most children born to women under 30 are born to single mothers: women now earn nearly 60 per cent of college degrees in America: and, for the first time in US history, the balance of the workforce has tipped towards women". This clearly shows that hard working women who want to do well in there life and take a step forward are being shown, and this shows how they're gradually taking over this modern society.
Further more it states how "40,000 more women than men applied to university and women currently outnumber men." The current figures show that since the economic crisis there are three unemployed men to every two women. And that women's earnings have risen 44% compared to a measly 6% of men. This evidently shows how women are doing better than men in this society.
However the drawback to this statement is that these are just a few statistics of 'outnumbering men'. In the UK one man said that If she put on the TV now most of the politicians interviewed were men, and most of the bankers interviewed were men, and most of the lawyers interviewed were men. She might also notice that most of the people interviewing them were men. But In my opinion, that is only on some news channels in the UK. The weather reporters include women, BBC news reports include women and excluding the political area in the music industry women are doing far better than men. An e.g Adele who is number 1 and outnumbered men! In the article against this statement it states "she has very little to say about the fact stressed in most studies of gender in the US workforce: namely that women's pay still lags far behind that of men, across the board, with women's salaries averaging 20% less than those of their male counterparts.This is evidently showing that men are earning way more than women, so technically they are not taking over the modern society. But in my opinion I feel they're working twice as hard to earn the wages they can do. The article further says "The world doesn't flip upside down overnight, Men have been in charge for 40 thousand years, and women have started edging them for about forty." This shows that men have taken the lead.
Can we find examples in modern media that support Rosin's suggestion that women are taking charge?

U.S Department of Labor, women make up 51% of management, professional and related occupations, at Fortune 500 companies, account for 2% of the CEOS. 15.6% of corporate officers and 14.6% of the board of directors.
Women are challenge as stereotypes 'negatively'. For an example, they are immune to be expected or seen as sitting at home looking after their children. However, examples that prove women are taking in charge by a women called 'Margaret Thatcher' who was Britain's first prime minister (female) she is an inspiration to many here still such as feminist who believe they can be fully involved in politics and get there name heard. And other examples are there are currently priministers who are females across the globe such as Bangladesh.
Judith Butler's approach to feminism
He believes that traditional feminists are wrong to divide society into 'men' and 'women' and says gender is not biologically fixed (expected to be like that). By dividing men and women, feminists accidentally reinforce the idea of differences between the two genders. Butler believes gender roles are a 'performance' and that male and female behavior is socially constructed rather than the result of biology. (people view it as the same).
To an extent you can say Rosin's hypothesis that women are taking over this modern society in the 2013. As there are many backed arguments for this statement. For an example, 100's of years ago or so women weren't allowed to do as much as men obviously. Men were the 'workers' and women had to stay at home to look after the children and do house duties. But now statistics have backed this statement up because "most children born to women under 30 are born to single mothers: women now earn nearly 60 per cent of college degrees in America: and, for the first time in US history, the balance of the workforce has tipped towards women". This clearly shows that hard working women who want to do well in there life and take a step forward are being shown, and this shows how they're gradually taking over this modern society.
Further more it states how "40,000 more women than men applied to university and women currently outnumber men." The current figures show that since the economic crisis there are three unemployed men to every two women. And that women's earnings have risen 44% compared to a measly 6% of men. This evidently shows how women are doing better than men in this society.
However the drawback to this statement is that these are just a few statistics of 'outnumbering men'. In the UK one man said that If she put on the TV now most of the politicians interviewed were men, and most of the bankers interviewed were men, and most of the lawyers interviewed were men. She might also notice that most of the people interviewing them were men. But In my opinion, that is only on some news channels in the UK. The weather reporters include women, BBC news reports include women and excluding the political area in the music industry women are doing far better than men. An e.g Adele who is number 1 and outnumbered men! In the article against this statement it states "she has very little to say about the fact stressed in most studies of gender in the US workforce: namely that women's pay still lags far behind that of men, across the board, with women's salaries averaging 20% less than those of their male counterparts.This is evidently showing that men are earning way more than women, so technically they are not taking over the modern society. But in my opinion I feel they're working twice as hard to earn the wages they can do. The article further says "The world doesn't flip upside down overnight, Men have been in charge for 40 thousand years, and women have started edging them for about forty." This shows that men have taken the lead.
Can we find examples in modern media that support Rosin's suggestion that women are taking charge?
U.S Department of Labor, women make up 51% of management, professional and related occupations, at Fortune 500 companies, account for 2% of the CEOS. 15.6% of corporate officers and 14.6% of the board of directors.
Women are challenge as stereotypes 'negatively'. For an example, they are immune to be expected or seen as sitting at home looking after their children. However, examples that prove women are taking in charge by a women called 'Margaret Thatcher' who was Britain's first prime minister (female) she is an inspiration to many here still such as feminist who believe they can be fully involved in politics and get there name heard. And other examples are there are currently priministers who are females across the globe such as Bangladesh.
Judith Butler's approach to feminism
He believes that traditional feminists are wrong to divide society into 'men' and 'women' and says gender is not biologically fixed (expected to be like that). By dividing men and women, feminists accidentally reinforce the idea of differences between the two genders. Butler believes gender roles are a 'performance' and that male and female behavior is socially constructed rather than the result of biology. (people view it as the same).
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