Thursday, 6 February 2014

What audience pleasures or gratifications does on-line news content offer?
So many online wonder-workers passing through! Yet so little evidence of stickability or momentum as the Mail and the Guardian shoot past theTelegraph's once-commanding lead in the uniques league. You can see why Gallagher didn't fancy the supposed top role for himself: think manager of Crystal Palace in a dodgy season. You can also see, in perception at least, how downgrading the whole newspaper side of the equation might work. If the Barclays want a digital-first operation, this, demonstratively, signals its arrival – at a stroke.

Has the Telegraph made a good or bad decision in sacking editor Tony Gallagher? 

The telegraph have made a bad decision in sacking the editor tony gallagher because the Newspaper editors are like football club managers: they come and, often rather abruptly, they go. But as the newspoaers are making exemplary profits, performing solidly against any competition and holding its digital place in the unique browser league. That would be like giving Arsène Wenger the chop on a wet Tuesday afternoon, a weird, unpredictable lurch. But Tony Gallagher at the Daily Telegraph assuredly knows how it feels now. However it will end up being a bad idea simply because tony already knew alot about the telegraph newspaper and has already done so much in order to make the newspaper a high success therefore without him the newspaper may lose sales.
Summarise the story in 50 words 


Sacking Tony Gallagher, the Telegraph  have signalled its intention to put the internet first. Which in the 21st century is very useful as everyone is revolved around the internet, and look at that usually as a source of there news information. Moreover,  as journalists are very expensive therefore this is why they must've turned to him as being sacked. The two Telegraphs are expected to make £60m between them in the latest financial year. Profits up, not down. Daily print sales – 2.35% lower between December 2012 and 2013 – represent the best result for any full-service paper in Fleet Street.

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