Thursday, 20 March 2014

Globalisation and News

1)      Is our news influenced by American Cultural imperialism? Yes. CNN was the first news cable to feature news for 24 hours 7 days a week. Making it easier for audience to decide what time of day/night they’d prefer to watch the news. For example, when the 9/11 happened there were consistent live updates on where the planes were and the building collapsing which was the highest. Sky in the UK identified that CNN were doing 24 hours news and copied CNN. Even so much so from the two websites Sky has copied CNN’s layout which is completely the same. In Today’s world the way we watch channels on TV has become more so American. They’re a very powerful country and people develop their ideas because usually they’re the first ones to come up with it.

2)       Has the increase globalisation of news improved the audience experience? How? Why?
Yes. The audiences are able to view live footage and experience it more so real. For an example, they are able to witness the disasters that are happening around the world. This improves the way audiences identify things. Moreover, the news generate at a much faster speed. With a great amount of choice to choose from for the audiences. However, the negative element to this is globalisation means that it’s less likely to make it local. It can also bias the audience’s views and choices. However, the choices may disappoint some of the audiences as they may not want to consistently see the news as a mainstream element. With wanting to know what Is happening in a local perspective.

3)      Has globalisation benefited or damaged major news institutions? How? Why? Yes. It has both damaged and benefited major news institutions. Firstly, it has benefited it as with different institutions there are a wide range of journalists in every inch of the country. Therefore, it makes it easier for institutions and less costly as they wouldn’t need journalists worldwide as it’s globalised on a big scale. It’s damaged due to the fact that News organisations at time plagiarize sites. Also, for news institutions its harder to sand out in a global market.  

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