Other Media Texts:
Step 4:
1. Has new and digital media had an impact upon ownership and control of the media institution(s) involved in your case study area? Explain in detail any impact and what exactly has changed.
Impact of N&DM means the public are more free in terms of raising awareness and are able to let their voices heard. Such as the arabic riots in southern African countries, if it wasn't for N&DM they wouldn't have been able to accomplish what they've done today.
Regarding Ownership and control of the diverse media institutions over the period of time they've consistently changed from previous years. As now they've introduced new restrictions on various of content, as it's to explicit for young people who can be influenced easily, explicit user generated content has been removed too. For example, when social networking sites such as twitter was launched they didn't implement age restrictions. However, in recent years most of the sites require ages above the required usage. Which institutions have to follow (Ofcom). Some examples of age restricting social networking sites are:
2. What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media products/ texts involved in your case study? How does it differ from what went before? Consider (SHEP)
The way in which audiences now consume media texts from Twitter is through smart phones/tablets this is done through WiFi or 4G when this is used the connection is much faster. Also, people are able to interact with there friends/family around the world instantly. As they wouldn't want updates and tweets or DMs to be very slow. There are many ways in how Twitter has changed the way humans communicate. Firstly, it has been made a faster flow of information, in order to find information a few users having thousands followers counts to share something small. With one click for the public, followers share it with their own private followers. Then afterwards it is made big on the internet and news co-orporations are aware of this. Therefore news spreads faster than ever. Twitter's real-time news flow has been cites as a tool for example, raising funds for floods such as Haiti. Secondly, famous people have twitter such as musicians, actors, athlets and stars share so much about themselves. Writers share tips and give fans promotions and glimpse of their progress and processes. Loads of stars chat with their followers, giving fans an opportunity to communicate with people they'd normally not in reality. For example, Selena Gomez replies to tweets saying"Thank you I hear you guys love da support! xx".
Thirdly, the most important I believe is 'thought leaders'. Twitter's list of 100 most popular accounts is dominated entirely by celebrities and traditional media outlets. There are hundreds of bloggers and online journalists who have found a bigger audience on Twitter tan they probably wouldn't have without it. Sending a tweet out put forwards thoughts to hundreds of thousands of people watching. This raises awareness and aid journalist as citizen journalists are catching up. Fifth, With Twitter, nobody has to watch a TV show by themselves again.There are mobile apps that are tailored for TV, movies and other entertainment. But for real-time chatter, it's hard to match Twitter.The advent of DVRs and streaming services like Hulu and Netflix was threatening to kill the idea that people needed to watch a show as it aired. But with Twitter (mainly hashtags), watching a show during air time lets you have a real-time conversation with thousands of fellow fans."TV shows become events, meaning people watch them as they happen," Twitter CEO Dick Costolo said last month. "We're so used to creating experiences for our users, but now our users are creating experiences for each other. " Another example of this is the tweets from a mobile phone regarding the Hudson crash, in which the news of the plane crash broke out on twitter before professional journalists could. This tweet was re-tweeted thousands of times highlighting the way that audiences consume media is changing as previously people would find out about the even the next day through traditional media e.g. newspapers. However audiences were able to find out about the crash seconds afters through social networking sites such as twitter".
Uses and Gratifications - Blumer and Katz (1969)
(In terms of social networking sites)
Surveillance e.g. news - people are able to find what's happening around the world instantly
Social Identification e.g. sharing similar experiences as somebody else, and thus identify with them.
Escapism for instance, not doing there daily routines escape from problems, e.g. through internet, social media
Entertainment e.g. sharing there pictures, videos, images and updating it, the banter journalists have
Cultural transmission (cultural ideologies and values - Cultural Imperialism)
- 700,000 more people will join Facebook.
- its total users in the U.S alone is 127,000,000.
- 65 million users have access to Facebook through their smart phones.
- 300,000 people join twitter sending more than 44,481 tweets per minute and 64 million tweets per day.
- Facebook has added over 200 million users in less than a year.
- Ipod applications downloads hit 1 billion in 9 months.
- If Facebook were a country it would be the worlds 3rd largest.
- 50% of the mobile internet traffic in the UK is for Facebook.
- Youtube is the 4th most visited site in the world and 2nd largest search engine
Step 4:
1. Has new and digital media had an impact upon ownership and control of the media institution(s) involved in your case study area? Explain in detail any impact and what exactly has changed.
Impact of N&DM means the public are more free in terms of raising awareness and are able to let their voices heard. Such as the arabic riots in southern African countries, if it wasn't for N&DM they wouldn't have been able to accomplish what they've done today.
Regarding Ownership and control of the diverse media institutions over the period of time they've consistently changed from previous years. As now they've introduced new restrictions on various of content, as it's to explicit for young people who can be influenced easily, explicit user generated content has been removed too. For example, when social networking sites such as twitter was launched they didn't implement age restrictions. However, in recent years most of the sites require ages above the required usage. Which institutions have to follow (Ofcom). Some examples of age restricting social networking sites are:
Twitter: privacy policy states "Our Services are not directed to persons under 13. If you become aware that your child has provided us with personal information without your consent, please contact us at privacy@twitter.com".
Facebook: 13 years of age2. What impact has there been on the way in which the audience now consume the media products/ texts involved in your case study? How does it differ from what went before? Consider (SHEP)
The way in which audiences now consume media texts from Twitter is through smart phones/tablets this is done through WiFi or 4G when this is used the connection is much faster. Also, people are able to interact with there friends/family around the world instantly. As they wouldn't want updates and tweets or DMs to be very slow. There are many ways in how Twitter has changed the way humans communicate. Firstly, it has been made a faster flow of information, in order to find information a few users having thousands followers counts to share something small. With one click for the public, followers share it with their own private followers. Then afterwards it is made big on the internet and news co-orporations are aware of this. Therefore news spreads faster than ever. Twitter's real-time news flow has been cites as a tool for example, raising funds for floods such as Haiti. Secondly, famous people have twitter such as musicians, actors, athlets and stars share so much about themselves. Writers share tips and give fans promotions and glimpse of their progress and processes. Loads of stars chat with their followers, giving fans an opportunity to communicate with people they'd normally not in reality. For example, Selena Gomez replies to tweets saying"Thank you I hear you guys love da support! xx".

3. What impact has there been on how the media institution now has to produce the texts and the way in which the texts/ products are distributed and exhibited? This should involve a detailed textual analysis of at least 3 texts to demonstrate the point.
Twitter has to be accessed through smart phones because of the change in society and in technology. There has been a demand. For instance, if Twitter was only on laptops and PC's this wouldn't have been as popular due to the fact that many people want to communicate and interact with people through their small mobile devices doing anything they want. Therefore, it's useful that Twitter is accessed through mobile devices so people are able to communicate better.
“30.8 percent of smart phone users accessed social networking sites via their mobile browser in January 2010”. “Twitter, which has experienced tremendous growth in both mobile and PC-based visitation, attracted 4.7 million mobile users in January, up 347 percent versus year ago”.
4. Is the size of the audience any different now than before the impact of new and digital media (or has the pattern of usage changed)? E.G. consider for the impact of new and digital media on TV broadcasting the change in audience ratings for programmes as a consequence of the deregulation of TV. (Prior to deregulation audience figures could be 20m+ for Eastenders etc to a situation today where, due to the massive number of channels now available, audiences are vastly reduced and fragmented).
Folks were tweeting 5,000 times a day in 2007. By 2008, that number was 300,000, and by 2009 it had grown to 2.5 million per day. Tweets grew 1,400% last year to 35 million per day. Today, we are seeing 50 million tweets per day—that’s an average of 600 tweets per second. (Yes, we have TPS reports.)
Tweet deliveries are a much higher number because once created, tweets must be delivered to multiple followers. Then there’s search and so many other ways to measure and understand growth across this information network. Tweets per day is just one number to think about.
5. Who are the primary target audience now and has this changed? Who was it before and how do you know?
Current: Mostly celebrities, politicians such as David Cameron, Journalist, News Institutions
Originally: Ordinary people such as the public mostly young people, aged between 16 to 25 with the social class of E and D How do you know? Twitter was set up in order for people to communicate in groups, quickly and easier. However these days’ people use twitter to follow celebrities and see what is new with them.
Current: Mostly celebrities, politicians such as David Cameron, Journalist, News Institutions
Originally: Ordinary people such as the public mostly young people, aged between 16 to 25 with the social class of E and D How do you know? Twitter was set up in order for people to communicate in groups, quickly and easier. However these days’ people use twitter to follow celebrities and see what is new with them.
6. How have the audience responded to the changes? Is there more customer choice? Is there evidence of a more pluralistic model? What evidence do you have to support this?
Audiences have become more active, in the sense that they can put forward their views on Facebook statuses, through tweets. There is more customer choice, as there are so many social networking sites; it’s just that Facebook is the monopoly at the moment. There is a form of pluralistic model, people can join small groups of these sites to show their interests.
7. What concerns/ considerations are there (if any) for the media institutions involved in your case study as a result of the impact of new and digital media? (e.g. deskilling or multi-skilling of the workforce/ decline in workforce etc)
The concerns for Twitter within Media institutions are that there are disadvantage for people such as: Journalist. This is because, if an ordinary person with thousands of followers shares something on twitter with an event that's occurred such as an event that's happening in coachella and that person has specific and exclusive photos that other organisations don't have. They'll thus be entitled citizen journalists. Therefore, there are increased figures of citizen journalism, as news can be captured first hand from the public. Twitter, is used for first hand news at is widespread than other social networking sites such as Facebook, as you need to like the page or have a friend request etc. Moreover, there are no trending topics such as hashtag on Twitter.
8. What are the political and social implications of the new technologies and the methods of their consumption? E.g. moral panics etc?
Politically people have become a bit freer, as they can put across their point of view. Socially some say that people have become isolated as they now connect via the web whereas before they would meet face to face. An example where moral panic was created by new technologies on twitter was the Arab Spring, people were tweeting about what was occurring and the live events that was happening. The social implication was shown on Twitter which allowed people to become more aware of things that was happening over the world. This makes people uneasy and assures them to aid the people who are sufering which creates moral panic: from 'Stanley Coin'.

The news that was trending which was popular in a sense was the birth of the Prince of Cambridge in July, which was announced both on an easel at Buckingham Palace and on Twitter, sparked a frenzy of excitement on the social networking site which spread rapidly across the world.
A spike in conversation came in the minutes following the initial announcement, with more than 25,300 tweets per minute.At the time, Twitter said the highest volumes of conversation came from the UK, the United States, Canada, France and Italy.A popular debate surrounding baby George left Twitter users guessing what name the future king would be given.
9. Consider the effects so far, and possible effects in the future, on media institutions involved in your case study (media production).
Rupert Murdoch once said: "The world is changing and newspapers have to adapt to that". In the past newspapers so the risen of technologies, smartphones and social networking sites etc. But majority of them stuck to their tradtional ways and didn't adapt. Therefore, as a result there has been a fallen decrease of newspapers. As it's easier for majority of the people to get their news through the internet such as news institutions websites e.g theguardian.co.uk. If the media don't keep in trend with the public and changes and don't adapt quickly enough, they will fail as another ogranisation will do ti first. One of the main reasons as to why this is happening is due to people finding out news from Twitter, as they're quick to find information from celebrities and politicians also, as there are news institutions on twitter peple are able to refresh their twitter under seconds to be able to be updated.
Moreover, if a website or media type such as radio (broadcasting) if they share something and have blocked the power of user generated comment. People would be reluctant to go back to the same site and hear it from them. As, people want to create debates/issues etc so they're able to share it with their family and friends. Moreover, another point is that if a broadcasting radio station shares a news story with the public and customers have already had an understanding through twitter people will be more persuaded to share stories on twitter from the news they've heard then. Rather than hearing it on the radio again. Consumers always prefer the truth to any story, the news is always seen to cover the truth about a subject or not deliver the whole story. Discussions and hash tagging tweets from twitter delivers a whole story with the help of UGC as well. Traditional news is in decline and will be with the growth of new and digital technology.
10. What issues may there be regarding media effects and /or regulation/ censorship as a result of changes due to new and digital media?
Media effects focus;s on how people think and behave , due to the change of new and digital technology. People always want to keep up to date with the world around them and want to be involved socially. Regarding Twitter there is no real censorship , as it is a free way to broadcast your views on anything. You are not given an options to report anything like 'Facebook' so for example if a story comes out about someone an example would be the girl that ate her tampon. You cannot stop the flow of the news being tweeted worldwide. This doesn't protect the users privacy and can cause trouble .
BBC news reporters and journalists have twitter accounts, they are able to make tweets about stories regarding the news. This has caused many problems, such as Tory party treasurer Lord McAlpine was wrongly linked to a child sex abuse scandal as a result of a botched BBC Newsnight investigation. The institution eventually shutting them down. Because of the lack of censorship on twitter, the social networking sites have the ability to track down information and allow anything to be posted to the world.
11. Are there any cross-cultural factors and /or effects of globalisation involved in the impact of new technology on your case study? E.g. the internet has been said to be ‘globalising culture’ through its promotion of the English language.
Globalisation means that there are continuous technological advances and growing global conglomerates (massive companies) are changing the face of media. These changes are happening and some of the issues which they raise. Globalization centres on the increased mobility of goofs, services, labour, technology and capital worldwide. Twitter has become the main networks for social media, not only for advertising and social advantages, but also for global news.This is why advertisers use sites like twitter to get a range of different audiences to buy whatever they are advertising. Twitter is an effective way to advertise and promote businesses, depending on your followers. Celebrities use this especially to promote their new music videos and so on.
11. Are there any cross-cultural factors and /or effects of globalisation involved in the impact of new technology on your case study? E.g. the internet has been said to be ‘globalising culture’ through its promotion of the English language.
Globalisation means that there are continuous technological advances and growing global conglomerates (massive companies) are changing the face of media. These changes are happening and some of the issues which they raise. Globalization centres on the increased mobility of goofs, services, labour, technology and capital worldwide. Twitter has become the main networks for social media, not only for advertising and social advantages, but also for global news.This is why advertisers use sites like twitter to get a range of different audiences to buy whatever they are advertising. Twitter is an effective way to advertise and promote businesses, depending on your followers. Celebrities use this especially to promote their new music videos and so on.
12. Consider theoretical perspectives in relation to the impact of new/ digital media in your case study. E.g. Representation of certain groups as a result of changes, Marxism & Hegemony, Liberal Pluralism, colonialism, audience theories etc.
The Hypodermic Needle Model suggests that the information from a text passes into the mass consciouness of the audience unmediated, ie the experience, intelligence and opinion of an individual are not relevant to the reception of the text. This theory suggests that, as an audience, we are manipulated by the creators of media texts, and that our behaviour and thinking might be easily changed by media-makers. It assumes that the audience are passive and heterogenous rather than active producers. This links to how 'audiences are capable of manipulating the elite' (new and digital media)
Uses and Gratifications - Blumer and Katz (1969)
(In terms of social networking sites)
Surveillance e.g. news - people are able to find what's happening around the world instantly
Social Identification e.g. sharing similar experiences as somebody else, and thus identify with them.
Escapism for instance, not doing there daily routines escape from problems, e.g. through internet, social media
Entertainment e.g. sharing there pictures, videos, images and updating it, the banter journalists have
Cultural transmission (cultural ideologies and values - Cultural Imperialism)
Total number of Facebook users worldwide | 1.4 Billion |
Total percentage of 18-24 year olds who already use social media | 98% |
Total percentage of people on Earth who use Facebook | 11% |
Total amount of minutes people spend on Facebook every month | 700 billion |
Average amount of time a person uses Facebook per month | 15 hours 33 minutes |
Total amount of people who access Facebook with phone | 250 million |
Total amount of websites that have integrated with Facebook | 2.5 million |
Total pieces of content shared on Facebook each month | 70 billion |
Total amount of unique YouTube users per month | 490 million |
Total amount of YouTube page views per month | 92 billion |
Total amount hours spent on YouTube per month | 2.9 billion |
Total amount of articles hosted by Wikipedia | 17 million |
Average pictures uploaded to Flickr per minute | 3,000 |
Total amount of pictures hosted by Flickr | 5 billion |
Average amount of tweets per day | 190 million |
Percent of teenagers who log on to Facebook over 10 times per day | 22% |
Percent of Facebook users under the age of 10 | 25% |
Percent of teens that view social networks as unsafe | 59% |
Percent of Americans who aren’t confident in their ability to use privacy settings |
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